Glanris Biocarbon® Biochar

Technology providing gigaton CO2 removal potential while creating a product with functional applications in water, built environment, soil, and more.


Not your average biochar —

Glanris manufactures an economical and versatile climate-tech tool.

We customize our biochar for use in water filtration, cement / concrete, soil amendment, and more.

Our initial Biocarbon is made from the largest agricultural waste, rice husks, allowing for global expansion of our carbon-negative technology to reduce greenhouse gasses and sequester carbon at gigaton scale — making Glanris the lowest cost sequestration methodology available.

Carbon Credits Available on Puro.Earth →



The Swiss Army Knife of Climate Tech

From removing metal and organic contaminants from water to environmental remediation to carbon sequestration…

All Applications

Why Glanris?


“This incredibly simple but effective treatment of rice hulls provides multiple wins for the environment…

…it sequesters billions of pounds of carbon that would usually be released into the atmosphere through the burning of rice hulls, replaces the harmful microplastics in traditional water filters, and reduces the energy usage for filtering water.”


Patented Process


Switch to Biocarbon


Reach out to our sales team to discuss how Biocarbon can fit your needs →


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Glanris can help.

At scale, Glanris can help agencies, governments, and countries achieve these essential UN Sustainable Development Goals.

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